All in Publications

I really like making posters.

I really enjoy making posters of my projects. I know sometimes posters can be seen as the "less good" presentation type. But, in my experience, the conversations I've had have been far more productive and rewarding when in poster sessions than in lecture sessions. I also like making things, and posters are a great way to make tangible research papers and ideas. When my undergrads are learning how to make posters, we do a "poster walk" where we go around looking at other people's example posters and we talk about all the things we like or would improve upon. Two of my students have won best poster awards. (Just to be clear, that was not a humble brag. It was a regular brag. I have great students and they have great posters).  

I decided that I should not let them sit in the physical or digital closet anymore. Thus, I have created a page where you can explore some of these creations. Please enjoy. 

Link after the break. 

Introducing the ABOT Database

My colleagues at Brown and I recently completed the first iteration of a large (and largely fun!) project we are calling the Anthropomorphic RoBOT (ABOT) Database. Motivated by a wealth of studies about the anthropomorphic appearance of robots, the creation of ABOT was an attempt to conduct a large, systematic survey of the tremendous variety of anthropomorphic (human-like) robots and provide a useful tool for studying the human-like appearance of robots. 

Link after the break. 

Another great collaboration with my friends and colleagues at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University is under way. We just submitted a proposal to a special conceptual issue of Group and Organizational Management.  Excited to see how this one turns out! 

Lazzara, E., Keebler, J.R., Ullman, D., Phillips, E., & Baker, A. L. (under review). Swift trust in human vs. robots: Drawing parallels and understanding divergence. Group and Organizational Management

Overview after the break

Trust repair paper gets revise and resubmit

Happy to announce that the article my colleagues and I submitted to the ACM Transactions on Interactive and Intelligent Systems (TiiS), Trust in Human-Machine Interaction got a revise and resubmit. After a facelift, the revised article is back in for review. Fingers crossed, we'll be hearing back soon. 

Baker, T., Phillips, E., Ullman, D., & Keebler, J. (under review). Toward an understanding of trust repair in human-robot interaction: Current research and future directions. Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems

bstract after the break

Partnering with the CS department has been really productive over the last semester. We just submitted another new paper to the International Symposium on Robotics Research (ISRR).  I am truly grateful for being able to work with such a talented and generous group of faculty and students. 

Rosen, E., Whitney, D., Phillips E., Chen, G., Tompkin, J., Konidaris, G., & Tellex S. (Submitted). Communicating robot arm motion intent through mixed reality head-mounted displays. International Symposium on Robotics Research

Abstract after the break. 

With the creation of the HCRI, new professors joining the university, and new classes being offered to students, the drone community at Brown is growing fast. In fact, one of our first drone projects was drone delivery of cookies. Yum! As a result, the University has asked the HCRI to draft the first University wide drone policy. I'm really excited to have been asked to co-author this policy. I think it will be great experience for me and will allow me to make a practical and lasting contribution to the University and its community. 

More after the break.

I'm excited to share the Human Factors community with the grad students and other colleagues I am working with here at Brown. We'll be presenting these in Austin, TX later this year. 

Phillips, E., Ullman, D., de Graaf, M. & Malle, B.F. (Accepted). What does a robot look like?: A multi-site examination of user expectations about robot form. Submitted to Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. 

Odette, K., Rivera, J., Phillips, E., Jimenez, C., & Jentsch, F. (Accepted). Robot self-
assessment and expression: A framework. Submitted to Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. 

Abstracts after the break. 

Wow. Finally, I am getting a manuscript of my dissertation work out the door. It was a herculean effort to try to cut down the manuscript to under 8,000 words. But, I think I'm happy with how it turned out. 

Phillips, E. & Jentsch, F. (Submitted). Supporting situation awareness through robot-to-human information exchanges under conditions of visuospatial perspective taking. Submitted to Journal of Human-Robot Interaction. 

Abstract after the break. 

This post is coming a bit late, but a few months back some colleagues and I submitted a journal article manuscript to the ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS) special issue on Trust and Influence in Intelligent Human-Machine Interaction. We're really excited about this piece and hope to hear back about it soon. 

Baker, T., Phillips, E., Ullman, D., & Keebler, J. (Submitted). Toward an understanding of trust repair in human-robot interaction: Current research and future directions. Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems

Recently, I was really fortunate to lend my expertise in experimental design and HRI studies with human users, to collaborate on a paper with researchers in Brown's Computer Science Department, the Humans 2 Robots Lab on a paper for the 2017 IROS conference

Whitney, D., Rosen, E., Phillips, E., Konidaris, G., & Tellex, S. (Submitted). A virtual reality interface for robots. International conference on intelligent robots and systems. IEEE/RSJ. 

Before the vacation was a made dash to finish a number of conference submissions, including two for HFES 2017. Hoping these will get in so that I can see my Human Factors Colleagues in Austin in October. 

Submitted paper titles: 

  • What does a robot look like?: A multi-site examination of user expectations about robot form

  • Robot Self-Assessment and Expression: A Framework