RSS Women in Robotics Workshop accepted!

Good news! RSS Workshop proposal was accepted! I recently participated in co-organizing the Women in Robotics Workshop for the Robotics Science and Systems (RSS) 2017 conference. 


Robotics is undergoing tremendous growth in recent years, over a wide range of important areas, from transportation, to manufacturing, service, entertainment, space exploration, healthcare, and education. While the field is progressing forward, both in academia and industry, the percentage of female roboticists continues to lag far behind their male counterparts. The third Women in Robotics Workshop is a mixed-audience, women-only speakers workshop that aims to: (1) raise visibility of women in robotics, (2) strengthen the community and provide an opportunity for networking, (3) foster mentorship of junior female researchers, and ultimately (4) increase the number of women in robotics to close the gender gap. The workshop features two panels on academic career paths and robotics entrepreneurship, keynote talks by women who are leaders in their field, invited talks by early career academics, and poster presentations by junior researchers selected for travel awards.

Journal Article: Trust Repair in HRI

IROS submission out the door!